James Randi the inspirer and maestro of Piero Angela and CICAP is an “Honest Liar” ?
No! JAMES RANDI is an “DISHONEST” liar !
And here you find the evidence.
James Randi, who began his career as a circus magician and became famous all over the world as the one who demonstrates the non-existence of the Paranormal, as well as the ineffectiveness of Natural Medicine, is not just an illusionist on the stage but it is much more, also using illegal methods, to make the media and the whole world believe that the Paranormal does not exist.
His method consists in elaborating, all over the world, thanks to the complicity of many collaborators, in Italy Piero Angela and CICAP, tests that are mediated as “scientific” (under control) while in reality they are “circus” tests like the one he organized with Piero Angela for the dowsers.