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James Randi the inspirer and maestro of Piero Angela and CICAP is an “Honest Liar” ?

No! JAMES RANDI is an “DISHONEST” liar !
And here you find the evidence.

James Randi, who began his career as a circus magician and became famous all over the world as the one who demonstrates the non-existence of the Paranormal, as well as the ineffectiveness of Natural Medicine, is not just an illusionist on the stage but it is much more, also using illegal methods, to make the media and the whole world believe that the Paranormal does not exist.

His method consists in elaborating, all over the world, thanks to the complicity of many collaborators, in Italy Piero Angela and CICAP, tests that are mediated as “scientific” (under control) while in reality they are “circus” tests like the one he organized with Piero Angela for the dowsers.

continue …




In 2018 the official confirmations of the great success, obtained by the company Luni Ricerche, has arrived thanks to the discovery of thermal water in the Piana of the municipality of Valdieri. The Politecnico (University) of Turin sent a detailed report to the Municipality of Valdieri that confirms the technical data presented by Luni Ricerche srl regarding the thermal water discovery with the exact identification of the depth, quality and temperature of the thermal aquifers.

In 2013 Luni Ricerche srl received from the Mountain Community (institution of the state) and the Municipality of Valdieri the task of a Feasibility Project * for a thermal water research in the plain of Valdieri .
In the area, considered ideal for the development of thermal tourism, indicated by the Mountain Community and the Municipality of Valdieri, Luni Ricerche srl, performing its exclusive method (over 98% of successes), carried out a preliminary thermal research, appraised an area as positive for the discovery of a precious thermal aquifer. A detailed report was delivered with “precise” indications of depth to be reached, the temperatures of the thermal strata at the various altitudes and an indicative flow.

*Feasibility Project:

The Feasibility Project consists of an exclusive technical service able to discover, through in-depth preliminary research, the location of new thermal water resources.
The technical researches for the identification of possible thermal aquifers are concentrated in the area indicated by the user. Subsequently, a precise relationship with the predictive stratigraphy is presented to the user containing the fundamental technical data to evaluate the consequent business decisions.
The technical data obtained with the execution of the preliminary research and which are delivered to the user complete in the report are:

• Analysis in the areas indicated by the user, in order to verify the presence of precious thermal aquifers
Depth of the thermal aquifers
• Indicative temperatures at the various depths of the thermal waters.
• Indicative flow of the thermal aquifer.

Extracts from the Report delivered on 04.09.2013 to
Mountain Community of the Alps and the Sea:

After the Report by Luni Ricerche srl, which highlights the presence of thermal aquifers in the plain of Valdieri,in the area considered ideal for thermal tourism development, the Municipality issues a tender where the Drilling Company is expected to guarantee the success of the well (if there is not thermal water the City does not pay).
The tender is won by a drilling company that, instead of contacting Luni Ricerche srl to finish the research and to identify the exact point for drilling, turnes to a big company of Geologists of Siena S.G.G. to do further scientific research.
After three months of geological investigations, the S.G.G. indicates an area of the Plain different from that indicated by Luni Ricerche srl (about 1 km away). The geologists of the SGG argue that based on their scientific research the area indicated by Luni Ricerche srl is not suitable for thermal water collection and choose to move from what was considered by the City the ideal area for tourism development.
Luni Ricerche srl sends a letter to the protocol of the Municipality of Valdieri claiming the opposite of what was expressed by the geologists of the SGG and that if it was dug the point indicated by the SGG would have been a total failure and would not have found thermal water. The facts will confirm the total failure of the drilled well on geological indication. The entire spa wellness project and the tourist dreams of the town of Valdieri ran the risk of being dramatically lost. Also the funding of the Piedmont Region would have been lost along with the dreams. The situation was saved at the last minute by the new task given to Luni Ricerche srl to continue the research in the initial area to identify the drilling point and it was an extraordinary success, already at 380 meters was present at that point as provided by Luni Ricerche srl an excellent thermal water with the exact temperature and quantity how expected.

Extract of the letter delivered to the protocol of the Municipality of Valdieri:

“I state that according to my research (External to the fence) with the arriving of about 1300 meters of depth, the drilling that is taking place in Valdieri ( Nigro Group SRL) for the discovery of hot thermal waters will give negative result because it is drilling in the wrong area.

Negative as regards the discovery as per the initial project (see annex Feasibility Project for thermal water research – Valdieri ) of a thermal water as required by today’s market, rich in minerals (over 1000 mg) and with a temperature above 37 degrees. (Indoor and Outdoor Swimming Pools also in Winter for a seasonally adjusted tourism, all year round)

The water that will be found will have a PREDOMINANCE of common water with a temperature ranging between 20 and 30 degrees, low in minerals (oligomineral) even if “contaminated” in its path by thermal water. “

Result of the perforation on the indications of S.G.G. :
the failed drilling performed on geological indication reached a depth of about 800 meters without finding the presence of thermal water.


Pz 1 : Well 1 dug on the indications of the S.G.G.
Pz 2 : Well 2 dug on the indications of Luni Ricerche srl

Well 2 has been excavated following indications by Luni Ricerche s.r.l. on behalf of the Nigro Group srl company. The depth of the well 2 is 380 meters. All the documentation
technique that scientifically confirms all the data shown here are in the Municipality of Valdieri.

The geological analysis in the drilling hole (Log), and the stratigraphy by the drilling company Nigro Group confirm the result of the research of the precious Thermal Water by Luni Ricerche srl: 100% exact.
Here the scientific results that show that the technical data written in the Report of Luni Ricerche srl are 100% exact.
1) Discovery of water with thermal mineral qualities;

2) Exact depth of the thermal aquifers (328-335 mt / 358- 366 mt),

3) Exact temperatures of the thermal aquifers 328-335 mt 15 degrees/358- 366 mt 18 degrees.

This thermal water research has not only a highly economic value for the Municipality of Valdieri but also a high scientific value as an objective demonstration of how much the human brain possesses extraordinary perceptive qualities and superior to computers and current scientific equipment.


James Randi the inspirer and MASTER of Piero Angela and CICAP is an “Honest Liar” ?

No! JAMES RANDI is an “DISHONEST” liar !
And here you find the evidence.

James Randi, who began his career as a circus magician and became famous all over the world as the one who demonstrates the non-existence of the Paranormal, as well as the ineffectiveness of Natural Medicine, is not just an illusionist on the stage but it is much more, also using illegal methods, to make the media and the whole world believe that the Paranormal does not exist.

His method consists in elaborating, all over the world, thanks to the complicity of many collaborators, in Italy Piero Angela and CICAP, tests that are mediated as “scientific” (under control) while in reality they are “circus” tests like the one he organized with Piero Angela for the dowsers.

Piero Angela, who is the inspiring head of what appears to be a new scientist and negationist church headed by CICAP, has for many years pursued a personal war with a boring form of cultural racism against everything that studies Parapsychology. To do so, taking advantage of his power in RAI, he made a negationist program “Journey in the World of the Paranormal” and offered ten million lire to Lorenzo Montali to study in the United States how to create what will become the CICAP in Italy.

Piero Angela gave another ten million lire to Massimo Polidoro to study the methods of the James Randi, which we will see how “honest” they are.

Piero Angela also offered to CICAP a real media war machine using all its power and influential friendships in the media world.
Just see a press review of the CICAP to verify that in the years of “Great Power” by Piero Angela all weeklies, newspapers and TV gave an incredible space to the deniers of the CICAP while today, being such a baffled committee and Piero Angela in decline of power, the CICAP has almost disappeared from the national news. Not for this, however, their denial is less dangerous as they do conferences everywhere and unfortunately have also entered some schools!

The experiment on dowsers, on which for the moment I’m not entering to the technical detail of how it’s anti-scientific, was done in Formello and that you can see and hear in this link, is very significant: (at minute 23:58). k1MzA6MTk3NDM0NzI5NjIwOTM1Mg/

This circus TEST does not have illegal implications like the other one I will talk about, but makes ridicolous, to the media pillory the families and the “children” of those 4 unfortunates fallen into the cynical clutches of James Randi, attracted by his money prize. At stake was the famous million dollars, trumpeted around the world as proof that the paranormal does not exist, since no one has ever won this prize. In reality, the Randi Prize is a real FAKE NEWS because it had nothing scientific and the “control” of the tests were TOTALLY in the hands of an unscrupulous magician illusionist. Randi, cornered by an opponent to his methods on the fact that these tests had no scientific basis, replied lapidarily that it’s his money and that his tests he makes as he pleases!!! DESPITE these statements today, still in this video, Piero Angela and CICAP continue to allow Randi to deceive the public with their complicity, accrediting these tests as scientific because the psychics were put under strict control. Yes, the control of a former magician and illusionist of the circus! The CICAP has also betrayed its own Statute in which it declares, as it does in the acronym of CICAP (Italian committee – control statements on the paranormal, pseudoscience today) that anyone who boasts paranormal skills and affirms it, these statements will be checked. In addition, slyly, Piero Angela decreed the inversion of the burden of proof and that the demonstration of possessing paranormal gifts belonged to the psychic and that the CICAP would have studied these tests and statements. But the CICAP since 1989, betrayding its own Statute, has NEVER made checks where the paranormal phenomena were genuine, and not only they have always refused to take into consideration certain proofs that would have made their denialism ridiculous, but have always denied public confrontation with the counterpart, when the counterpart were able publicly to unmask them.

In their non scientific conferences they only make a smart indoctrination of the public. To do this, they use the image of famous figures of the academic world (Margherita Hack … etc). Famous people who have joined the clever CICAP request to lend a hand against irrationality and charlatans, but these respectable testimonials do not actively participate in this Committee and are probably unaware of the CICAP’s media machinations.

Here an unequivocal proof: a demonstration on rhabdomancy performed under the control, not of an unscrupulous magician but, of Italian State Authorities where the extraordinary ability of the Dowser’s brain to discover the thermal waters in the subsoil is highlighted, incredibly, defining technical parameters as the quality of thermal water, the temperature of thermal water, the depth of the thermal aquifer … etc

And now we come to what publicly confessed in this video by JAMES RANDI about his dishonest actions that, as you will hear, were probably of serious damage to an anchorman of a famous television program, in fact as Randi proudly said that program shortly after was closed !!! (at minute 48:45) k1MzA6MTk3NDM0NzI5NjIwOTM1Mg/

The story: the anchorman of a famous TV program challenged James Randi to try in live TV the tests that made Uri Geller. In short, as you can hear from his confession, James Randi illegally entered in the private dressing room of the ignorant anchorman the parapsychologist Allen Spraggett, illegally rummaged through his personal items by opening the closed envelope of the experiment and then rummaged in the suitcase of Spraggett in order to tamper with some personal items that were used for the experiment: to bend the spoons with paranormal skills. Randi tells all this after many years, certainly not to be legally prosecuted, but making a big wrong step because he made it clear that his methods arrived to commit crimes, just to deceive the public and create serious professional and human damage to the ignorant anchorman, that perhaps even today he does not know of the machination to his damages done by the inspiring Maestro of Piero Angela and CICAP, JAMES RANDI!!! James Randi, Piero Angela and CICAP have for many years been aware of my extraordinary achievements, the amazing water discoveries, all officially certified … but continue to hide these results by publishing negationist and anti-scientific tests passed off as Science. Real FAKE NEWS! Once again James Randi, Piero Angela and CICAP are publicly unmasked by this writing !!!

Maurizio Armanetti 349 8408341 –



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In 2018 the official confirmations of the great success, obtained by the company Luni Ricerche, has arrived thanks to the discovery of thermal water in the Piana of the municipality of Valdieri. The Politecnico (University) of Turin sent a detailed report to the Municipality of Valdieri that confirms the technical data presented by Luni Ricerche srl regarding the thermal water discovery with the exact identification of the depth, quality and temperature of the thermal aquifers.

In 2013 Luni Ricerche srl received from the Mountain Community (institution of the state) and the Municipality of Valdieri the task of a Feasibility Project * for a thermal water research in the plain of Valdieri .
In the area, considered ideal for the development of thermal tourism, indicated by the Mountain Community and the Municipality of Valdieri, Luni Ricerche srl, performing its exclusive method (over 98% of successes), carried out a preliminary thermal research, appraised an area as positive for the discovery of a precious thermal aquifer. A detailed report was delivered with “precise” indications of depth to be reached, the temperatures of the thermal strata at the various altitudes and an indicative flow.

continue …



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Wednesday 26 November 2014 has begun the great challenge between the skeptic James Randi and the psychic Maurizio Armanetti.

With the correspondence by e-mail of the mutual conditions of the challenge, officially begins the international comparison between science and the paranormal. The great challenge between the famous skeptic James Randi and the famous psychic Maurizio Armanetti…                  continue



The great challenge between the skeptic James Randi and psychic Maurizio Armanetti

Wednesday 26 November 2014 has begun the great challenge between the skeptic James Randi and the psychic Maurizio Armanetti.

With the correspondence by e-mail of the mutual conditions of the challenge, officially begins the international comparison between science and the paranormal. The great challenge between the famous skeptic James Randi and the famous psychic Maurizio Armanetti. Maurizio Armanetti is the only psychic which has documented its ” paranormal skills” with incontestable certifications of the Italian State.

Now James Randi has the burden, as he did with other cases in the past, to come to Italy and begin to check the official documentation. The official documentation that confirms the paranormal phenomena of Maurizio Armanetti.

If James Randi will not do it, will be like admitting that the paranormal phenomenas of Maurizio Armanetti are, for the first time in history, officially proven also by the skeptic world.

James Randi, I’m waiting for you and your visit must be official. I have nothing to hide and I hope that even you don’t want to hide to the public your skillful and public verifications.


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3 million dollar new skeptical challenge Armanetti’s prize

Italy: the psychic Maurizio Armanetti relaunches and triples the previous challenge of James Randi of only 1 million dollar to a new challenge of 3 million dollar.
James Randy says: no one has even won my prize demonstrating a paranormal phenomenon. That means that under control paranormal phenomena do not exist. Well, I can prove the contrary and therefore not only that Randi’s assumption is false but following the logic I can confirm with evidence that the skeptics “do not exist” but the paranormal phenomenon, yes, exist. I can affirm all this for two reasons…                        continue



Italy: the psychic Maurizio Armanetti relaunches and triples the previous challenge of James Randi of only 1 million dollar to a new challenge of 3 million dollar.

James Randy says: no one has even won my prize demonstrating a paranormal phenomenon. That means that, under control, paranormal phenomena do not exist.

Well, I can prove the contrary and therefore not only that Randi’s assumption is false but following the logic I can confirm with evidence that the skeptics “do not exist” but the paranormal phenomenon yes, they do exist.
I can affirm all this for two reasons:
1) Randi’s tests are not only biased and pseudoscientific but also are created to deny the paranormal phenomenology. Therefore they have no value, they are “nonsense” using the word that likes the magician Randi.
2) Before I offered at Randi, CICAP and the skeptics one million Euro, now became 3 million dollars… and no one has won because no one wanted to participate. Therefore I can affirm that the skeptics “do not exist” and that the paranormal phenomena, yes, that exist!
In fact, what else can stop those, who at this point become former skeptics (not sceptical), to win without any risk 3 million dollars, if not the certainty that my paranormal phenomena are real? So, if you do not accept my challenge, Armanetti’s prize of three million dollars that is 100% scientific, you accept therefore that my paranormal phenomena are real and that the sceptics become former skeptics and so they do not exist anymore.

“3 MILLION DOLLARS”, Maurizio Armanetti launches THE PRIZE-CHALLENGE to James Randi, CICAP, Piero Angela…etc.  THE CHALLENGE will consist of 100 particular and extremely difficult  water searches, impossible for any scientific equipment of today. 

For 100 times Maurizio Armanetti have to locate only a special kind of water: the precious thermal spa water. So, Armanetti must demonstrate his paranormal abilities able to distinguish, at hundreds of meters in the underground, if the water has the chemical characteristics of a thermal spa water.
It’s an experiment never attempt before in the history of challenges between dowsing and science, since almost two centuries.

“3  MILION DOLLARI”, $ 30.000 dollari for each test. The sum of $ 30,000 will be delivered to a notary before every search of thermal water. If successful, the amount will be transferred by the Notary to the challengers. Il test will be organized so that the areas, where the tests  will take place, will be unknown to Maurizio Armanetti before the search. The areas will be chosen by the 100 customers. These 100 customers will only pay if the search is successful, benefiting from the important discovery of thermal spa water. The drilling will be performed by Armanetti and his drilling company of trust.

In this way it will be possible to control that all stages of the thermal water search  happen only  with the paranormal method of “Psicoestesia” ( dowsing).

Scientifically seems to be impossible that the human mind is able to do a extraordinary psychic analysis and therefore it won’t be only “a challenge” but, in case of success, it will be a giant step for the discovery of the ability of brain.


The areas considered valid will be those in which Maurizio Armanetti discovers with his method, “The Psicoestesia” (dowsing), the presence of thermal water at a maximum depth of 600 m and wherein is excluded the presence of gas at that depth.
All drillings without success, because there is no presence of water with the chemical charateristics of thermal spa water,  will be payed by Maurizio Armanetti which reserves himself, however, in exclusive all  journalistic and television rights of the challenge.

The customers, which benefit of the Thermal spa water, because of a successful drilling,  will pay Armanetti.

In Italy , according to Prof. Roberto Chetoni luminary of the italian geologic research,the thermal water has a average value  of around 3 million dollars.

Regions most suitable to avoid gas: Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, Lazio, Sicilia…

In 100 searches selected by the skeptics and under their supervision, only two things can happen:

1) My economic failure, because each failed drilling will be paid by me. But if I were a part of the skeptics, I would not count on, because in all my searches for thermal spa water I reached, to this day, 100% of success.
2) The skeptics publicly defeat me.

But because of my really great extrasensory ability will happen this:


James Randi –

Richard Wiseman

Richard Dawkins

Chris French


Skeptics from around the world have been defeated by the dowser Maurizio Armanetti

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Skeptics from around the world have been unmasked and defeated by Maurizio Armanetti, the internationally renowned psychic, dowser and geobiologist

Now that the Italian state agency officially certify the paranormal capacities of Armanetti, the skeptics are helpless and bent spoons in the face of glaring and unquestionable evidence in favour of the Paranormal. It was the long-awaited evidence to definitively prove paranormal abilities, extraordinary and still mysterious ability of our brain, of the human mind…continue




Dowsing wins an important victory against science.

Here are all the documents of the greatest challenge in history between dowsing and science,  as is officially certified by an agency of the Italian State.

  • Dowser: Maurizio Armanetti, president of Luni Ricerche srl, a leading company in the field of the discovery of hot spring mineral water and. His company is the only one worldwide which carry out the prospecting ensuring the discovery of this precious hot spring mineral water performing a  drilling with a depht of maximum 600-700 meters.
  • Geologists: Prof. Roberto Chetoni, which has sought the help of Ing. Alberto Godio (Politecnico di Torino). The Geologist Serradimigni Rino (Pisa) and Sergio Marchettini, electronic, the inventor of the new (and experimental) detection system (of which Chetoni has availed more), called POSEIDON. The today’s chronicles define Poseidon the computerized electronic dowser and it’s a device studied and accredited, as always reads by the chronicles, also from the University of Pisa.

It all started when Maurizio Armanetti discovered a precious mineral spring water in the town of Villafranca (Tuscany) at a  short depth of 120-150 meters.  This discovery  caused quite a stir in journalism as the detection was previously (two months before the drilling of the well) certified and announced to the press.

This sensational success of Armanetti has resulted in a strong interest on the part of the municipality of Villafranca. After various meetings with the authority of the municipality Armanetti presented his project for the development of tourism in the city. At Villafranca, once discovered the hot spring mineral water at 40 °C, it would be made “The First Natural Hot Spring Mineral Water Park of Europe” with an expected of one million visitors a year and an armature capable of generate over a thousand jobs. A project that would revolutionized the economy of the whole territory.

When the municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana – Tuscany has officially commissioned at Maurizio Armanetti, President of the company Luni Ricerche srl, to discover the precious hot spring mineral water he never would have imagined to be at the center of a historic challenge between Science and Dowsing. Armanetti and Chetoni were both co-commissioned by the municipality of Villafranca for the discovery of the hot spring mineral water and what at first was a collaboration between Dowsing and Science, later became, after the breakup of cooperation on the part of Chetoni, a challenge. A successful challenge won so overwhelming by Dowsing. Prof. Chetoni, at some point, decided with an ultimatum to the municipality to oust Armanetti from the ” hot spring mineral water research”, started and designed by Armanetti.

Armanetti delivered his research report to the municipality where he also referred the drilling point and he established for having 40 degrees of water temperature it was necessary to go down to a deep of at least 550 meters. After the delivery of Armanetti’s research report, Chetoni, with the help of various teams between Engineers, Geologists and Electronics equipped with the most modern technological and scientific equipment, thought that it was possible to detect the same thermal aquifer that Armanetti has identified, in an area that was situated about 200 meters from the point of Armanetti. It was then that Armanetti has officially handed over to the protocol of the City a written statement where he said that at the point indicated by Prof. Chetoni there would not be discovered themal water and that the spa water temperature at 500 meters in the well of Chetoni would not reach 37-40 degrees but it would be less than 28 degrees. Armanetti’s forecasts were correct and precise but Chetoni did not give up and has decreed that down to 600 meters the hot spring water would have appeared. Armanetti then gave a second statement to the protocol where he stated that at 600 meters the temperature would have been around 28 degrees. Armanetti’s forecasts were correct and precise. So, the Hot Spring Water park project, developed by Armanetti with one million tourists and thousands of jobs, was, due to the failure of the geological research of Prof. Chetoni, hopelessly lost!

The science team has used all possible resources for geological scientific research without success. Their predictions were not correct.

Armanetti’s forecasts were all exact and meticulously documented.




James Randi –

Richard Wiseman

Richard Dawkins

Chris French




Striscia cantiere


FLORENCE– In celebration of 2012, a special year for the paranormal and for the publication of his book “MANUALE DI PSICOESTESIA”, Maurizio Armanetti throws down THE PRIZE-CHALLENGE, both to CICAP as well as for JAMES RANDI, a prize of “ONE MILLION EURO” approx. 33 thousand euros at a time, consigned to a notary before each spa water search.

The amount will be transferred to anyone from the CICAP who wants to personally (observational trial) verify that which is described as “PARANORMAL PHENOMENON” repeated 33 times (approx. 33.303 euro a time). It is absolutely guaranteed that the place on which the 33 searches take place will be unknown to me.

The area will be chosen by the 33 clients themselves (they pay for the well only in case of success) so you can assure yourself that all the phases of the thermal Spa Water search will be carried out with PARANORMAL methods of the “Psicoestesia” and that I, up to moment of the “psicoestesica” search (undertaking) can not know on which area the search will be made. The search not for WATER, but for THERMAL SPA WATER…and not only that!!! I will also make a written prediction, counter-signed by you, of the depth and incredibly the temperature of the hot spa water that will be found in hundreds of meters in the underground.

Scientifically seems to be impossible; therefore not only “a challenge” but an agreement in which you will win a lot of money doing that which you are always saying that you want to do:

VERIFY A PARANORMAL PHENOMENON… and do it for 33 times!!!!

Arguably you could say that it’s not a definitive test, that it it’s not enough…. Well, seeing as it’s repeatable 33 times, you will get a lot of money verifying a REPEATED PARANORMAL PHENOMENON , WORK OUT THE NUMBERS FOR YOURSELF ( STATISTIC OF THE RESULTS ).

The area considered valid will be those where Maurizio Armanetti discovers with his method, “La Psicoestesia”, the presence of spa water within 600metres and in which the presence of gas at that depth is excluded.


Chosen regions: Piemonte, Lombardia, Veneto, Toscana, Lazio

In 33 searches selected by CICAP and under their supervision, only two things can happen:
1) economic failure, in that each failed drilling will be paid by me and the skeptics and CICAP publicly defeat me
2) I succeed because I really have extrasensory ability and CICAP GAINS ONE MILLION EURO …… AND VERIFY A REPEATED PARANORMAL PHENOMENON…


James Randi –

Richard Wiseman

Richard Dawkins

Chris French


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FLORENCE– In celebration of 2012, a special year for the paranormal and for the publication of his book “MANUALE DI PSICOESTESIA”, Maurizio Armanetti throws down THE PRIZE-CHALLENGE, both to CICAP as well as for JAMES RANDI, a prize of “ONE MILLION EURO” approx. 33 thousand euros at a time, consigned to a notary before each spa water search…continue








“ His abilities are extraordinary. He seems to be able to see through the earth with his hands.”
 “ He found water for us in places where we had nearly given up after long and expensive searches. I remember a spot where our company sought water since 1906, using all possible technology to no avail. After only two days of walking the area, Maurizio discovered a rich vein of water and told us exactly how far down the water was.” "Thanks to his gift, we were able to save millions of dollars"

Vittorio Arbasino,
head of research at ITALGAS,
Italian state-run natural gas company 




The following testimony demonstrates, such as moving only a few feet from failed drilling  without water, we can instead find a rich aquifer. Often, since recognized expert in the field of water research, I was called where the others had failed, like in the case of the Company ITALGAS which operates the aqueduct of Rapallo, where I discovered a huge underground aquifer where the other researchers had in succession always failed water research for nearly a century (85 years).

lettera referenza





Il regista Fabrizio Cattani si è ispirato, per il suo film, “Il Rabdomante”, alla speciale tecnica di Maurizio Armanetti e ha deltto: 


“His name is Maurizio Armanetti, I think he’s the most famous dowser in Italy. He even managed to find in the valley of Tigulio, in Liguria, a large water reservoir where instead a group of geologists had tried without success. Maurizio has fascinated me his way of seeing things, of estrangement from the matter to search on a quasi-shamanic spirituality. The most beautiful idea he gave me is the one of the hands. When he is looking for water, moving on the ground, making moving his hands from the top down , at the height of the belly. I found this technique to search water very cinematic and I played on the screen.”



The professional activity of Maurizio Armanetti is cited in the following books:

testimon. 2Water trasparent gold
This book stems from the humanitarian exigency of the authors to transmit the incisors conclusions of an International Symposium of the Association of Orthomolecular Medicine (A.I.M.O.) during which were faced possible solutions regarding the emergency “water”…humanitarian exigency of the authors to transmit the incisors conclusions of an International Symposium of the Association of Orthomolecular Medicine (A.I.M.O.) during which were faced possible solutions regarding the emergency “water”…

testimon. 3

Feng Shui
“… the use of the brain as an instrument of perception, but in addition to this ability to use the body as an instrument, you can also feel those biophysical feelings already described …”





testimon. 4


Orthomolecular Medicine

“ In Italy we have two brilliant and enthusiastic researchers and through them we had the introduction and diffusion of Organic Architecture: Gianfranco Carignano and Maurizio Armanetti.”










The Minister of ferrithe Italian Department of Employment, Enrico Ferri 1989

“ Dear Maurizio Armanetti,
I follow your special dowsing system for the water researches from many time and congratulations for your researches which have positive ufficial certificated results, thanks for your professionality in studies and experiments extremely interesting. I remember the successful experiment carried out in the city of Bagnone and other positive successes for the municipalities of Lunigiana. I take this opportunity to send you the most cordial greetings and my great esteem for you, with the hope of continuing to assert yourself with other great successes in the field of water research, ”                  Enrico  Ferri


Prestigious Italian citalgasompany named ITALGAS

Important water supply for one of the most prestigious Italian company named ITALGAS (national Italian company for aqueducts and pipelines management). They officially recognized the discovered in Liguria (Rapallo) of a vast subterranean aquifer after 85 years of failures.

“ The stratigraphy of the well revealed the presence of water quotas suggested by Maurizio Armanetti, exactly in the range of 110-130 m and over 160 m. The first tests have also confirmed the alleged extent of 20-30 l / s.”



Municipality of VillVillafrancaafranca in Lunigiana (Italy)

“ attests that the dowser Maurizio Armanetti, owner of Luni idro Ricerche, commissioned by the City, by resolution of the City Council no. 49, to solve the problem of water supply …, has submitted a report, which has resulted in a drilling under the direction of the same that showed the validity of the search report and the resolution of the water problem.”

Signed by the Mayor and the Municipal  Engineering Department.




Municipality of Filattierfilattieraa (Italy)

“ It was requested by the company Luni idro Ricerche to make a research for the presence of any aquifer in order to solve the problems of water supply

 “ The drilling has demonstrated the accuracy of the research carried out by Luni idro Ricerche, considering that the borehole completely satisfy the water needs …”

 Signed By the Mayor



FivizzanoMunicipality of Fivizzano (Italy)

“ It’s confirmed that the company Luni idro Ricerche performed in the locality of Quorazzana and surrounding areas 5 surveys for locating subterranean aquifers with the following results: Number of positive probes: 5 of 5 and the two most convenient used for the purpose of municipal water supply. The results fully confirmed the accuracy of the survey carried out by the firm Luni idro Ricerche is the identification of points as both as physical-chemical characteristics and water flow.”

Signed by the Municipal Engineering Department.



Municipality of Ppodenzanaodenzana (Italy)

“ With this we confirm the results of the investigations and the drilling in the location of Gaggio Podenzana by the company Luni idro Ricerche. Drilling point: Exactly as indicated by the research firm Luni idro Ricerche Depth Indicated : 40-50 m – Depth of the aquifer verified: 42-46 m Physico-chemical- mineral quality: as the forecast of the firm Luni Idro Ricerche “

Signed by the Municipal Engineering Department






Our records 

Maurizio Armanetti, President of Luni Ricerche srl,  in the course of his activity of water search and especially of spa water discovery, has achieved European and World records.

  • “EUROPEAN RECORD”: We found at Cogne (Hotel Bellevue, Relais & Chateaux), in the Aosta Valley at 1550 meters above sea level, thermal spa water, the highest spa water in Europe. And thanks to this important discovery Hotel Bellevue can enrich its offering with the highest thermal SPA in Europe.
  • “WORLD RECORD”: We found in Maremma – Scarlino – Tuscany – Italy, at the Resort Col di Sasso, a spa water with 40 °C of water temperature, already called the “good mood water” because is enriched with a special mineral called lithium (first natural antidepressant in history). This spa water has the highest concentration of lithium in the world.
  • “WORLD RECORD” At Rapallo, after 85 years of researches by the most prestigious geologists and diviners of the century, followed one another in search of a significant underground aquifer for the aqueduct, without success, Armanetti just in “two days” discovered and brought to light a large groundwater resources.
  • “WORLD RECORD” certified by an Italian state agency with the accurate identification of quality (thermal spa) and temperature of thermal water to be discovered. The record has been established during the historic challenge, “fully certified”, between science and paranormal, including the special abilities of my mind and the scientific equipment of the italian luminary for thermal water research, Prof. Roberto Chetoni. Challenge won by Armanetti thanks to his special ability of his brain.


Water discovery – solutions for water supply problems:

The Italgas Company ( holder of aqueducts and gas pipelines in Italy) has officially recognized his having discovered a vast aquifer in Rapallo , after almost a century ( 85 Years to be exact) of failure.

The stratigraphy of the well revealed the presence of water at quotas suggested by Maurizio Armanetti, exactly in the range of 110-130 m and over 160 m. The first tests have also confirmed the alleged extent of 20-30 l / s.


Municipality of Villafranca in Lunigiana (Italy)
A drilling under the direction of Maurizio Armanetti  showed the validity of his search report and the resolution of the water problem.

Municipality of Filattiera (Italy)
The drilling has demonstrated the accuracy of the research considering that the borehole completely satisfy the water needs.

Municipality of Fivizzano (Italy)
Locating subterranean aquifers with the following results: Number of positive probes: 5 of 5 and the two most convenient are used for the purpose of municipal water supply.

Municipality of Podenzana (Italy)
The drilling point is exactly as indicated by Maurizio Armanetti. Depth Indicated : 40-50 m – Depth of the aquifer verified: 42-46 m, Physico-chemical- mineral quality: as the forecast of the Company.

Mineral and thermal spa water search:







Thermal spa water search in the plain of the municipality of Valdieri (Cuneo).
Project financed by the Piedmont Region and supervised by the Politecnico University of Turin.
Thermal spa water – sulphate-calcium-alkaline-magnesium 
In the beautiful and evocative plain of the municipality of Valdieri has come to light the thermal spa water, long dreamed by the habitants and by the various mayors who succeeded each other. The project, financed by the Piedmont Region, has remained a dream come true thanks to the initiative of the then mayor Emanuel Parracone, the current mayor Giacomo Gaiotti and the specialized research of our company, Luni Ricerche srl.

HOTEL BELLEVUE & SPA – Cogne- Valle d’Aosta

Thermal Water sodium sulphate
In the beautiful Hotel Bellevue & SPA, inserted in the majestic landscape of Gran Paradiso National Park (Aosta Valley) at 1500 meters above sea level, we discovered an extraordinary Thermal Spa Water rich in healthy minerals.
The particular combination of these riches and precious minerals created by nature, makes this thermal water precious for the physical strengthening and body wellness.

After the World Record with the discovery of the special hot spring water in Tuscany because enriched with the highest concentration of lithium, the highest concentration in the world (Location: Col Di Sasso – Scarlino – Grosseto – Italy), at Cogne,  Luni Ricerche srl has realized a “New Record”:  the discovery of the highest Thermal Spa Water in Europe at 1550 meters above sea level. This precious water will be used for the highest spa pool and the highest dream wellness spa in Europe.


Location: Col Di Sasso – Scarlino – Grosseto – Italy

Thermal water
Two thermal wells discovered, the first at a depth of 450 meters with 40 degree temperature, the second at a depth of 300 meters with 29 degrees of temperature.
University La Sapienza – Rome had classified the discovery unique for the characteristics of the thermal water.
The very high concentrations of lithium, “new World Record” (Lithium is the first antidepressant in the history) make the water thermal pool extremely valuable.


Beauty Farm Bagnacci – Location San Giovanni d’Asso – Siena – Italy:

Sulfur Thermal Water
The farm is located in one of the most beautiful areas of central Tuscany just a few kilometers from Montalcino. A well depth 80 meters with 35 degree temperatures. The water is located in the karst limestone and has a flow similar to a river,”The first river spa in Europe”.


Beauty Farm Villa Leri – Monte Colombo – Rimini – Italy:

Thermal Water
A well depth 700 meters with 25 degree temperature. Water with a high salt concentration, salinity of the water exceeds 150 gr. per liter (4 times the density of sea salt).



Beauty Farm Villa Gaia – Seggiano – Italy:

Thermal Water
A well depth 260 meters with 28 degree temperature from 24 to 28 degrees. The current analysis for the thermal spa recognition has revealed, despite the shallow depth and the mountain location , a particular quality of saline water.


Beauty Farm A.F. – Villafranca in Lunigiana – Italy

Thermal Water: Sodium Chloride Lithium
A well depth 150 meters with 22 degree temperature. This thermal water has a very long cycle and rained many hundreds of years ago, said University of Parma. The presence of fossils’ trace fossils suggests and confirms that in-depth research for next wells will give an extraordinary fossil water with over 40 degrees temperature.






Underground  water discovery for municipalities and industries 

Drinking water search  in arid countries

Mineral and thermal water search for  water companies and  health resorts

Natural gas and oil 



We are specialized in finding large aquifers also at great depths and we are able to distinguish if  its sweet or salty water.


Maurizio Armanetti is the President of Luni Ricerche Srl.
Luni Ricerche Srl
is a well-established company formed by researchers in the field of underground water exploration using a new research methodology by creating a fusion of geological science and the intuitive abilities of the mind using the brain as a “Bio-computer”. Thanks to its special know-how in more than 30 years’ experience of underground water research, using objective and experimental techniques, the company is able to guarantee success in finding underground water determining precise technical parameters such as water detection of the aquifer, pierce point, depth of the water, water temperatures at various altitudes, quantity and quality. The company is the only one in the world that guarantees the discovery of precious underground aquifers in places where the normal scientific research has not yet been successful. This way to work is attested and certified by Italian Department of Employment and recognized by primary international companies.

Water is a critical necessity for any development project anywhere in the world. In Italy Luni Ricerche srl has distinguished itself by the creation of innovative projects in the field of thermal water for spa, beauty-farm and for having been able to combine the best of technical  and scientific skills with human ability obtaining important results in the discovery of new hot spring water and fresh underground water resources solving water supply problems.

Continua la lettura di WATER SEARCH


TG1 the first TV newscast of the most important italian television Network( first channel of RAI)
transmitted a television service describing the business of Maurizio Armanetti, Chairman of the Company Luni Ricerche srl, in the field of spa water research…
A special mention concerns the discovery of thermal spa water at Scarlino Tuscany:
Two thermal wells discovered, the first at a depth of 450 meters with 40 degree temperature, the second at a depth of 300 meters with 29 degrees of temperature. The University La Sapienza – Rome) had classified the discovery unique for the characteristics of the thermal water. The very high concentrations of lithium, “new World Record” (Lithium is the first antidepressant in the history) make the water thermal pool extremely valuable.


Beauty Farm Bagnacci – Location San Giovanni d’Asso – Siena/Italy: Sulfur Thermal Water
The farm is located in one of the most beautiful areas of central Tuscany just a few kilometers from Montalcino.
A well depth 80 meters with 35 degree temperatures.
The water is located in the karst limestone and has a flow similar to a river, ”The first river spa in Europe”.



 Villafranca in Lunigiana/Italy – Thermal Water: Sodium Chloride Lithium
A well depth 150 meters with 24 degree temperature.
This thermal water has a very long cycle and rained many hundreds of years ago, said University of Parma. The presence of fossils’ trace fossils suggests and confirms that in-depth research for next wells will give an extraordinary fossil water with over 40 degrees temperature.