Underground water discovery for municipalities and industries
Drinking water search in arid countries
Mineral and thermal water search for water companies and health resorts
Natural gas and oil
We are specialized in finding large aquifers also at great depths and we are able to distinguish if it’s sweet or salty water.
Maurizio Armanetti is the President of Luni Ricerche Srl.
Luni Ricerche Srl is a well-established company formed by researchers in the field of underground water exploration using a new research methodology by creating a fusion of geological science and the intuitive abilities of the mind using the brain as a “Bio-computer”. Thanks to its special know-how in more than 30 years’ experience of underground water research, using objective and experimental techniques, the company is able to guarantee success in finding underground water determining precise technical parameters such as water detection of the aquifer, pierce point, depth of the water, water temperatures at various altitudes, quantity and quality. The company is the only one in the world that guarantees the discovery of precious underground aquifers in places where the normal scientific research has not yet been successful. This way to work is attested and certified by Italian Department of Employment and recognized by primary international companies.
Water is a critical necessity for any development project anywhere in the world. In Italy Luni Ricerche srl has distinguished itself by the creation of innovative projects in the field of thermal water for spa, beauty-farm and for having been able to combine the best of technical and scientific skills with human ability obtaining important results in the discovery of new hot spring water and fresh underground water resources solving water supply problems.
Underground water discovery
Our goal is to provide solutions for water supply problems.
Water wells for governments, companies and individuals; in problematic cases; in arid zones ( desert and semi deserts), for industries…
Luni Ricerche srl received Certifications by the government agencies for its performances and for having solved serious water problems.
Important water supply solving for one of the most prestigious Italian company named ITALGAS (national Italian company for aqueducts and pipelines management). ITALGAS has officially recognized the discovery by Maurizio Armanetti of a large subterranean aquifer in Liguria (Rapallo) after 85 years of failures. For 85 years they have followed a lot of drillings based on the research of geologists and dowsers but never archived a success. Then finally with the arrival of Maurizio Armanetti, he found a vast underground acquifer. The large confined aquifer of Rapallo was there waiting to be discovered from the extraordinary ability of Armanetti for almost a century.
Maurizio Armanetti, in the past, has received from the Italian State, through the Minister of Public Works, in the figure of the Minister Enrico Ferri, a letter of congratulations on their achievements in the field of water research.
The then Minister of Tourism, Michela Vittoria Brambilla, has called Armanetti, in consequence of his achievements in the field of thermal water researches, to be part of the Ministerial Commission for the Development of Spa and Wellness.
Mineral and thermal water
Water wells for the tourism industry; Mineral Water Industries; beauty-farm,
private SPA …
TODAY, Luni Ricerche srl, has shown its ability to discover, wherever called, natural thermal groundwater and in this way is giving the possibility to make a great business for a deseasonalized tourism.
Luni Ricerche Srl, has discovered several and important Thermal and Mineral Waters in Italy. The discovery of hot thermal waters, means revolutionize the economy of entire areas without ore with little tourism economy.
Thanks to the innovation of Maurizio Armanetti in the field of water research, the discovery of new thermal and mineral water deposits and of his ideas like how to create the first water park with hot thermal water in Italy, the first european thermal water park, it is now possible to stimulate in Italy large tourist flows and create many new jobs.
Mr. Armanetti was appointed from Ministry of Tourism specialist in underground water research in the Commission for the Development of Spa and Wellness.